Sunday, June 07, 2009

Kate Test Regression Suite

This blog is mainly about documenting the process how to run Kate Part's test regression suite and probably not much use for other developers.

Step I: Setup the environment
  1. create the file ~/.testkateregression. The content of this file is a single line pointing to the folder of the checkout of the test regression suite data. For me this is
  2. Create the folder where you checkout the suite
    mkdir /home/dh/kde/tests
  3. Change to this folder
  4. Checkout the data:
    svn co svn://
Now all the data is there for testing.

Step II: Run the test suite
  1. go to your build directory of kate (e.g. kdelibs/build/kate/tests/
  2. run the complete suite:
  3. run specific tests, e.g. for the c indenter:
    ./ -t indent/csmart
That's it.

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