Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kate: Shortcomings of .kateconfig file

Assume you have a .kateconfig file optimized for C++ code that replaces tabs on save. Now you open a Makefile that contains tabs (due to its strict syntax). If you save the Makefile in kate, the tabs then are replaced which results in a corrupted Makefile.

In other words: The .kateconfig file applies to every file. It lacks mimetype/extension support and thus can lead to unwanted behaviours.

So if you use a .kateconfig file, keep that in mind :) Maybe we should simply use modelines in the h/cpp files for now.

Indentation and Coding Style

kdelibs will have coding style conventions. In general. this is not a bad idea. Our 45528 slocs in KatePart all use a consistent indent-width of 2 spaces. Changing this does not really make sense - ok, if svn praise -w (sure, we never need svn blame in our code ;) finally works, we can discuss this again.

In other words: How "consistent" will kdelibs get with this new conventions? The interesting part of Zack's mail is
No exceptions. Either everything or nothing
While everything would really be cool, in truth it's not possible to achieve, is it? We will have exceptions or rather violations, I'm pretty sure :)

Some developers already start adding katepart modelines to their souce code. For those who don't know yet: You also can simply use a single .kateconfig file, which is the equivalent to emacs dir config files. You just have to make sure to set the search depth for a .kateconfig file to - let's say - 3. Do this in
Settings > Configure Kate... > Open/Save

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Kate Project Plugin

It is not a secret that removing Kate's project manager in KDE 3.5 was not the right thing to do. It seems a lot of people used it and we got many complaints about this decision. That also shows that it is hard go get feedback about what users are really using. If a feature is done well, noone will ever talk about it. This is paradox, as we thought the project manager was not well integrated :) (I still think that)

Ok, let's come to the interesting part: Three developers wrote a new Kate Project Manager Plugin and published an initial release on and on It works quite well already and reading the comments on gives me the impression that there are more features to come with the next release. -- If you are interested maybe you want to join the project...

PS: I have the secret hope the plugin will be ported to KDE4 using Qt's model/view architecture, so that it has good support for multiple mainwindows :)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Access Keys

Our beloved konqueror browser supports a nice feature called access keys. To enable the access key mode you simply have to press ctrl. I quite often use ctrl+c/v in forms, and thus happen to trigger actions accidentally all the time. We are lucky though, as you can disable the feature by putting
[Access Keys]
into your ~/.kde/share/config/khtmlrc